Charlie Wilson's War- Why?
Kongye had a chance to attend an early screening of this hot mess on Wednesday night. Perhaps a full review will come later. For now, some thoughts:
This movie was apparently written by Aaron Sorkin. This was a fact I knew; but was not specifically aware at the screening. Within 10 minutes, that information shoved its way straight to the front of my mind and all I could think was "this is SO Sorkin." If you are a steadfastly loyal Sorkin fan salivating at every line written to be delivered at the speed of a Swedish bullet train and saturated in too-clever-for-their-own-good quips, you will probably get a kick out of this movie. If you haven't had a lobotomy, the writing will drive you absolutely insane.
I don't understand the thought process behind casting Julia Roberts as a sultry seductress and Southern socialite (sorry for the unintentional alliteration, I feel positively Sorkinesque now). Obviously she is bloody awful. The only way to describe her character, as Roberts portrays her, is that she is playing Melanie Griffith's older, more grotesque sister from Viva Laughlin. She is just that bad.
As expected, Philip Seymour Hoffman turns in an absolutely brilliant performance- too bad he seems to be in a completely different movie; one I'd actually want to see. He steals every scene and is the only funny or captivating component of this generic Oscar-bait star vehicle.
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