Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Greetings From Kongye and Phallic

In the tradition of previous holiday-themed posts, the Blog brings you this gem to celebrate Easter:

KONGYE: Happy Easter
Phallic: oh dear praise Jesus
KONGYE: he was pretty hot
KONGYE: great abs
KONGYE: we should praise good abs
Phallic: is this white Jesus or black Jesus
KONGYE: both
KONGYE: it's not like Black Jesus is ever depicted looking like Biggie
Phallic: that would own
KONGYE: you think they crucified fat people?
KONGYE: it seems impractical
Phallic: I don't think they ever needed to crucify fat people
KONGYE: were fat people really well behaved in the day?
Phallic: they only crucified poor starving people
Phallic: I’m guessing you had to be rich to be fat in the Roman Empire
KONGYE: I bet the fat people were totally stealing food all over the place
KONGYE: you know how fat people are
KONGYE: they'll do anything for a Twinkie
KONGYE: and I bet ancient roman Twinkies were da bomb
Phallic: shit yeah
Phallic: unleavened bread and grape paste or some ish
KONGYE: that sounds tasty
KONGYE: those fat fuckers stole piles of them
KONGYE: we need to get into the bible Twinkie business
KONGYE: we'd make a ton of money at Jesus conventions
Phallic: we should sell bible Twinkies at screenings of expelled
KONGYE: expelled?
Phallic: oh man, let me link you up
Phallic: llowed
KONGYE: they're not gonna show that shit in NYC
KONGYE: and if they did, the entire audience would be hipsters going ironically
KONGYE: they're not Bible Twinkies' target audience
Phallic: they'll show it at the Charles Barkley Theater in Harlem
Phallic: we should get drunk and go there


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