Monday, September 24, 2007

Big Bang Theory- CBS Needed to Recycle Some Old Sitcom Sets

Tonight is a big night for TV. Lots of shows are returning, and some are premiering. Kongye is here to tell you about the pilots of tonight’s new shows.

-------------Comic gold....for the obese, illiterate masses
The Big Bang Theory: I’ve previously stated my desire for the multi-camera, half hour sitcom to die. This show only reaffirms that passion. Here’s a brilliant premise: a hot, dim chick moves in across the hall from two awkward, (apparently) brilliant geeks. One of the geeks falls madly in love with her but is too socially retarded to make it happen. Hilarity ensues. Oh wait, no it doesn’t. I saw the original pilot of this over the summer and then again at the Paley screenings. For some unknown reason (I don't get why because you can hardly tell the difference) they reshot the opening, which features the geeks at a sperm bank. The writers thought that would be a hilarious gag. It actually does a pretty good job summing up this show: it’s just a bunch of sitcom clichés that you’ve seen before on dozens of other (mostly superior) shows. There’s really marginal talent in front of and behind the camera, and it basically just fails on every level. The two standouts here- one good and one bad- are the hot chick and the tall geek. Hot Chick isn’t a real human being. She behaves kind of like a non-greasy Britney Spears: breaking down and stripping down in front of these complete strangers, then asking them for ridiculous favours. That behaviour is scripted to be weird. What I find unsettling is how she behaves towards the geeks and two more losers they bring in to round out the flock for more “laughs.” Hot chick clearly had a lobotomy while they put in her implants because she just responds with the same plastered on smile to everyone in this show, no matter what. Tall Geek (Jim Parsons) is the only part of this show that works. His delivery of the offensively bland material is great and he’s very endearing. I’d like to see him recast in a far better quality program because I can tell he’s got good comedic skills.

Verdicts: I will forget this show is on the air by tomorrow; but it may continue to run for seasons. Hey, every time Charlie Sheen is on Access Hollywood getting accused of subscribing to Latina Tranny porn sites I think how sad it is that he’s sitting at home, washed up….then they remind me that he has some show I’ve never heard of and he’s the highest paid actor on TV. If the FBI ever had to hide witnesses from me (you know, for when they put me on trial for the meth lab I run out of the MSG subbasements) they should give them shows on CBS because then I’d never be able to find them. Did you people know that there’s a show with David Spade and The Tick on Monday nights on CBS? When did this happen?

Would I Watch It? No

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