Monday, October 1, 2007

Enough Already

The authors of this blog just had a short debate about whether we would blog about Britney Spears losing custody of her kids. Here's what we said, and that's all there will be on the matter in this blog.

PHALLIC: are we blogging this?
KONGYE: i'm not even sure i care anymore
PHALLIC : yeah, see i'm not either
KONGYE: i think this bitch is so fucking stupid she thinks any attention is better than none
KONGYE: so she puts on this little trainwreck show so the photographers will follow her around
KONGYE: she gets off on it
KONGYE: and she's not even a bad mom
KONGYE: she's just a self-centered, shallow pig
KONGYE: who thinks that her need to have people talk about her is more important than the two playthings she hatched
PHALLIC: i think we'd be playing into her narcissistic schemes by giving her attention
KONGYE: the fact of the matter is that she just pisses me off now
KONGYE: it was fun for a while
KONGYE: which i guess is horrible on my part
KONGYE: but now it's just too much



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