Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reaper- Definitely Worth a Viewing

Remember how I was all mean and hateful to Chuck the other day? First of all, get used to it; I’m a mean and hateful person by nature. More importantly, REAPER is premiering tonight and it’s like Chuck, only good.
When I say it’s like Chuck, I mean it’s pretty much exactly like Chuck. Granted Bret Harrison works in a Home Depot instead of a Best Buy and he becomes a bounty hunter for the devil instead of an annoying piece of shit that Adam Baldwin should kill as soon as possible; but otherwise the premises are pretty similar. Sam is a loser; but he’s actually a loser because his parents sold his sold to the devil before he was conceived and felt so guilty about it that they never forced him to work hard, so he never achieved anything. On his 21st birthday weird shit starts to happen, the devil shows up, and his parents tell him about the soul-selling stuff. The devil comes back and explains that he expects him to return escapees back to Hell. The rest of the show is Sam coming to terms with that and learning how to do his new job. Obviously he’s initially comically horrible at it and we go through some pretty standard story arch stuff. The plot isn’t the most appealing part of this show. I wouldn’t say it’s extraordinarily original. However, this show is funny, sweet, appealing, and smart. Bottom line is that it keeps you watching. Bret Harrison is just one of my favourite actors out there right now. He’s in a very uncomfortable Hollywood circle, since I just found out he’s friends with the likes of Adam Brody. He can be forgiven for that because he’s just that good. A couple of years in Vancouver working on this show should help. Man, Brody is totally gonna be sleeping on his couch in like a month.
*Aside to Bret: Dude, ditch the Seth Cohen. That whole cast is a sinking ship. In fact, do everyone a favour and put him out of his misery. Does he have any range beyond high school comic book geek?
The rest of the cast is great, too. One of the best ways of doing the devil I can remember. I appreciate that he’s not over the top, he’s a guy I think I’d like to hang out with. The love interest in a little boring; but give her time. One of the show’s strengths is that it does its sweet scenes very well; they fit in with the overall tone of the show.
I’m going to do a whole Chuck vs. Reaper entry at some point because it’s amazing how similar these shows are on paper and how much Reaper owns Chuck in every category. This show is what Chuck wishes it were.

Verdict: I think this is a really good direction for the CW to go in. It works for a young audience, it can get males interested in the network, and it has a family viewing potential for families with teens. I think it’ll go a couple of seasons.

Would I Watch It? Definitely; but there probably won’t be blog entries devoted to it.

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