Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Cavemen Review- What Do You Expect Me To Say About This?

Listen, it's really not worth my time to review this and it's not worth your time to read a review of it. Cavemen is based on the Geico commercials. Just like the ads (which were maybe clever the first couple of times you saw them in 30 second format), it's a heavy-handed, poorly executed metaphor for race relations. I wish this show was so bad it was good; but it's not. I watched the pilot over the summer and really couldn't believe the lack of effort that had been put into this. If this hasn't been drastically reshot the pilot will feature the Cavemen going to a Western-themed country club barbecue and the final scene will feature a truly pathetic attempt to do outrageous slapstick resulting in one of the cavemen accidentally ending up looking like the Cavemen stereotype. It's stupid, it's not social commentary, and it doesn't need to pollute our airwaves.

Verdict: I can't believe this was even picked up. It'll be gone soon.
Would I Watch It? No way.

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