Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Reviewing Monday's Shows

PRISON BREAK- This show is so boring now. Even the minor crises that they write in for each episode have gotten mundane and silly. Wenty spent all episode trying to use a cell phone. Then despite the fact that he went to a lot of effort to put it back where he found it, bitch was too stupid to delete the outgoing call to his brother from the call log? He'll never escape from his ever-more-preposterous circumstances with that lack of attention to detail. I was also right about Sara. The producers aren't even being good about writing that actress out. This week we were subjected to a body double seen from behind and a vocal performer that sounded nothing like the original Sara. Linc also continues to make me wonder how someone so stupid with such a penchant for violence could have survived as long as he has. There are chimps that are three steps ahead of him in every situation.

DANCING WITH THE STARS- They're getting a little too cute with the music now. Mark Cuban has danced to money-themed songs two weeks in a row, Newton gets music about Vegas, and we're being not so subtly reminded of Jennie Garth's 90210 pedigree with the combination of "Uptown Girl" last week and that KT Tunstall song that tells us that she's a beautiful girl. In an effort to have absolutely no effect on the outcome of eliminations, the judges gave every couple the same score and didn't make a single coherent, dance-related criticism all night. The only thing that kept from from falling asleep completely was The Houghness, who had his manhood questioned by Jennie before she executed a brutal takedown on the dance floor. Don't bruise the fruit, Garth.

THE GAME- I was so confused by this show. It was like a Tyler Perry movie, I think. I've never seen one of those and I now know why. I just don't understand anyone's reactions to things. The first 10 minutes was an irrationally angry woman chewing out her boyfriend at a crowded party while "Irreplaceable" played in the background, followed by a guy with Rick James hair getting beat up by the boyfriend. It was.....special. Only good line of the night: "On second thought, I hope you didn't use a condom. You deserve whatever you get." It was so Maury.

WEEDS- Justin Kirk's feet need to stay off-camera for the rest of the run of this show. Oh, and why is Brooke Smith in every show this fall?

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER- Mmmmm, NPH so needs to join the gay rodeo because he looks fierce in Western shirts. EDIT: I just rewatched parts of this episode and he doesn't wear cowboy attire, I must have been projecting my fantasies again. The non-Barney humans were quite entertaining this week, too. Good episode.

ALIENS IN AMERICA- See my previous post.

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