Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What's on Kongye's TiVo- Thank God I Have Other Plans Edition

Overall tonight is going to be a poor night of programming. There isn't much on and the stuff that is there isn't all that exciting. This is a good night for it, since I'll have to catch up on this stuff when I get home late tonight.

CAVEMEN- 8pm, ABC- Review to follow. May as well see if they made a completely new pilot so that it's not as offensively horrendous as their last attempt.
CARPOOLERS- 8:30, ABC- Probably the only episode of this shows I'll ever watch. The pilot wasn't available at Paley or online, so I'm stuck with watching this crap with the masses.
BONES- 8pm, Fox- "Except for babies. Babies taste a lot like fish." Bones is so cannibal obsessed, let's see if they can find a way to put one into this week's episode.
REAPER- 9pm, The CW- Promising pilot, let's see where they go from there.
DANCING WITH THE STARS- 9pm, ABC- 59 minutes of filler, then Mark Cuban will be sent home. I do want to applaud this show for its new "Masters of Dance" series, which promised to showcase the best dancers from various genres on results nights. I hope they keep it up with deserving guests and I hope that dance snobs can refrain from bitching that the people who come on DwtS have sold out.
LAW & ORDER: SVU- 10pm, NBC- SVU was a surprise highlight of my week last Tuesday night. Let's see if they can raise the crazy bar again this week.

HOUSE- Sorry Greg House, your ratings are too high and your last episode too boring. You have been demoted to torrent status. Give me a good week or two and you may get your spot on my TiVo back.

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