Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Journeyman Episode 2

So I gave Journeyman another shot to be less boring and it screwed it up. This latest episode was so boring and endless that I could only get through it in several parts. A few things I noticed

1) Dan needs to use Google instead of "Finder Spyder"
Look Dan: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=trevor+mason&btnG=Google+Search
2) Dan has some serious boundary issues with the people he time-stalks.
3) People are way too nice to the creepy, clingy guy that never ages and tries to tell them what to do every time he sees them- even though it's only once a decade.
4) This show is sending us not-at-all-cryptic messages to compensate for its convoluted storylines: "fate never comes through the front door." No shit, but fate also shouldn't go up to the roof, rappel down to your neighbour's apartment, break into there, and then make a hole in the wall to get into your house.

I'd also like to send some notes to whoever or whatever is sending Dan on his "missions." There are much easier ways of achieving the same results.
Episode 1: Send Dan directly to the burning bus full of third world peasants and trust that he won't be too much of a fuck-up to save them.
Episode 2: Just find someone who is a bone marrow match to that guy, send him/her on a time travel mission directly to that guy complaining about his cancer and saying how much he needs bone marrow. If you don't let the time traveller go home until he/she gives marrow, they'll eventually comply.

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